Posted by : Static GSM Monday, 21 September 2015

Matrimonial Agency Management: The purpose of this software is to provide a best match to the groom as well as to the bride keeping in mind their requirements. The software is implemented using and SQL server. The software is user friendly and is very fast. The agency user must enter the personal information of the grooms as well of the brides. Their height, weight, religion, caste, sub caste, place of living, employed or unemployed. The user must also notify the requirements of a groom as how to they require their bride to be and also the requirements of a bride as how they want their groom to be. All the details will be saved in the database. Next tab is the matching tab. When the user selects the name of any one of the groom, as per their requirement which are likely to be matching to their profile, different brides will be displayed. The user can take a print out the bride’s photo and their personal details and can hand over to the grooms. They can either select or reject. If they choose, the information will be sent to the brides place along with groom’s personal data. If both are happy with each other then they can proceed with the ceremony. A fixed amount has to be paid to the agency for finding a match to them. The amount details will be saved for yearly report as hw much they have spent and earned etc. This procedure applies same to bride as well. If any groom or bride gets married, their personal information will be deleted from the system. The bride and groom, who got their match from this matrimonial agency, can also provide feedback about the agency and also any kind of suggestion as for improvisation. All the details will be saved and will be taken into consideration for better performance in business.
Download link provides the sample code of Matrimonial agency software. Please mail us to purchase the actual code to which a complete support will be provided by our team.
Modules of the software:                  
  • Master: Admin has the authority to add caste, religion, marriage status and status detail for bride/groom. And he also has the right to edit and delete all these details to/from the list.
  • Report: At the end of the day report is generated to calculate the payment of each customer in each day.
  • Login Registration: As soon as the user joins the company, the admin provides unique username and password to him. Admin only has the right to edit/delete those details to/from the database.
  • View: In the view module the user can view bride/grooms information which has already been saved. The user can also add or edit that information.
  • Match: Next is the match module where the user can enter bride/grooms information and on a single click can find the perfect match to the corresponding bride/groom.
  • Logout:This module allows the user to Logout the application. Further operations cannot be performed after user exits
Project title: Matrimonial Agency Management
Front End: Visual
Back End: Microsoft SQL (Structured Query Language) Server
Hardware requirements:Processor: Intel dual core or above
Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above
RAM: 1 GB RAM or above
Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above
Software requirements:Language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Database: Microsoft SQL server 2008

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