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Hostel Management System (VB.NET + MS Access)
It’s Hostel Management System Project for multiple hostels management written in VB.Net as front end and MS Access 2010 as Back end.
Main Features are:
Main Features are:
- Hostelers
- Profile Entry
- Extra Services Entry
- Services Entry
- Allocation and De-Allocation
- Extend Agreement
- Change Hostel and Change room within same hostel
- Transaction
- Transaction Entry
- Purchased Inventory
- Payment Voucher
- Caution Money Receipt
- Payment Voucher Receipt
- Quotation Receipt
- Fee Payment slip
- Hosteler 's Report Card
- Users
- Registration
- Change Password
- Password Recovery
- Advance Records Searching
- Advance Reports
Login Information:
User Name - admin
Password - 12345
User Name - admin
Password - 12345
Requirements - Visual Studio 2010 and Crystal Report for VS 2010 must be installed on your system to run this Project Successfully
RTO Management system
Project title: RTO Management system
Front End: Visual basic 6.0
Back End: Microsoft Access Driver
Quiz Application
This is Quiz Application developed in The software can be used to conduct quiz in any school or college. The software easily manages to store all the student details before entering into this software. The questions can be edited or added only by the Admin. Even the answers will be stored in the database. As soon as the student enters the answer, their answer will be compared to the ans in the database. If the ans matches, there will be an increment in the marks.
The advantage is the employee/admin need not calculate the the result. The system will automatically calculate the result of the student and each students results will be displayed in he descending order. Only Admin has the authority to view this. Students has only the authority to answer the quiz. As soon as the students registers, his/her details will be displayed i the database. So any details of any student can be viewed.
This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.
Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications to your email id.
Title: Quiz application
- Processor: Intel dual core or above
- Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above
- RAM: 1 GB RAM or above
- Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above
- Language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Database: Microsoft SQL server 2008
Cricket Score Management System
As soon as someone checks the scoreboard, details of a particular player can be viewed by a single click on his name. Any news other than cricket will also be updated.
This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.
Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications to your email id.
Project title: Cricket Score Management System
Software requirements:
Front End : VB.NET 2005
Back End: SQL Server 2005
Front End : VB.NET 2005
Back End: SQL Server 2005
For more project ideas visit :
Using RFID in VB 6
I will show how to use RFID Reader in VB6 Currently im developing Loadable E-Pass System for a confidential client and i want to share some of of codes regarding RFID and VB6. These is pretty straight forward i used MSCOMM (serial library in .NET) component in order to read /write buffer connected to PC's serial/usb port. This is done by using the oncomm() event in order to read all the buffers send by the RFID interface without using the timer control.
USB to RS232 converter compatible:
Download and install prolific drivers.
USB to RS232 converter compatible:
Download and install prolific drivers.
For more info please download the sample project Happy coding for Design projects and windows application..
Download Telephone Billing System Project VB6 & MS Acess
Project titled “Telephone billing System” is useful for computerizing billing system. Software code provided here in VB6 is useful for viewing customer information, calculating taxes, updating billing details, calculating other charges..Etc.
Project Category:
Telephone Bill Payment Management Software
Project Abstract:
In existing system most of the management work is done through software applications. Similarly billing payment details for every month can be done using this application.
Updating Consumer information: Enter telephone number, name, address, city, opening reading and closing reading.
Deductions: Calculation of rent, debits, tax, gross amount, previous balance, and surcharge can be performed.
Out screen: Details which are entered in about forms are calculated and shown in the form of bill format. Which consist of all details for cuttings and payments with address and name.
Billing details are updated to file after output is displayed.
Project Advantages:
Simple application with easy to understand and print bill details.
We can add more features by adding more modules to software.
Manual paper work process will be reduced and data is secured.
Console based application where data is entered in console as input and results is shown in file and command prompt.
This project is useful as learning project not as a academic project.
Download Telephone billing system Project in VB & MS Access
Complete Student Information System in vb
This is the complete database system,but there are some others panel in that software u can develop by urself like staff registration panel etc...I develop this software to help our student association here in india-hyderabad.I decided to share with u guys so as to learn something from this system,try to learn codes and understand them.
1-Database(Ms Access)
2-Cystal Report v8.5
1-Database(Ms Access)
2-Cystal Report v8.5
Username: admin
Password: 1234
Password: 1234
If u try to open report is better if u have cystal report installed in your computer,because sometime this error may occur "Can not find database" when u try to open the report.
But i hope the program will be executed..
But i hope the program will be executed..
Railway Reservation System in vb6 & MS Access
Railway Reservation system (Designed for Indian Railways)
Front END : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Hostel management system in vb 6 & oracle 8i with report
Hostel Management system is the system that manages the student data, staff data students’ admission process and create receipt for the fees paid by the student who stay in the hostel and also help in maintaining visitor’s messages.
Download full source code with detailed report n presentation
front end: VB 6.0
back end: Oracle 8i
click on download link
Blood Bank Management System (VB6 with report)
This system is mainly based on collection, storage and usage of blood in needy situations. City life is turning hectic as we move in 21st century. Day by day all the newspapers that were filled with motivating articles and some important news is now filled with either Bollywood stuffs or some kinds of crime, bomb blasts becoming one of the main events. Hence the need of blood is the crucial subject of consideration. Also many diseases are seen to be creped in our day to day life. One of which can be instanced as Thallesmania. One that is affected by this disease also needs the transmission of the blood week by week. Hence blood bank is the most suitable option then.
Problem definition:
In emergency situations, it is very difficult for a blood bank to maintain the databases of the donor’s and acceptors manually. This can lead in the delay of transmission of blood within specified amount of time. Also file maintenance is a very hectic job during natural calamities. Hence our software helps to maintain the databases efficiently and accurately. Also quick access to the databases is possible.
Front End:
The proposed system made by us is been developed in Microsoft tools of Visual Studio package “Visual Basic” (i.e. the whole package is GUI based with much software designs).
Back End:
The backend is MS Access with proper integrity levels and security levels.
to download source code with documentation click on following link
Hostel Management System
Right now its developed in Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft Access 2003.
Front END : Visual Basic 6
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Front END : Visual Basic 6
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Mobile Store Management
Right now its developed in Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2003.
Front END : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Boutique Management System
We got this project in planet source code and all the modules working perfectly. Even those who are beginner even they can learn to develop visual basic projects. Right now its developed in Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2003.
Front END : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Download Link 1
Download Link 2
Hotel Management System
Project description:Hotel Management System Project enables its user to collect all information from the hotel,Admin of this project can keep track on all the activities which are performed during the successful operating of Hotel business.Hotel Management task is specially performed by Hotel managers.It is hotel manager’s job To keep track on all the activities and give good results.In this project you does not any need to know any mechanism of manages etc,A simple user can easily understand all the function of “Hotel Management System Project”
Hotels are Become so mush popular in the world.I thinks Everyone must have heard about the Taj Hotel ,Mumbai and JW MERRIAT Hotel,Chandigarh.Hotels are the very good source of foreign income.Hotels help Government to increase it’s foreign income,because foreign peoples goes to others city or country and they stay in Hotels.So I feel the necessity of adding this Hotel Management System Project .
Project Features:Hotel Management System Project have lot of features which are summarized below:
Keep track on all the Activities: Admin can keep track on all the activities.Admin will have full control over the whole project.admin can control all the content of project.
Allotment of rooms: This project shows the Veccent rooms in the hotel.rooms which are booked or reserved also shown in it.
Payment and Receipts: Admin can record all the amount received from the user and how much payment is done to the third party .
Keep Historical Records:Hotel Management System Project keeps all the historical data related with the visitors of hotel.This data is kept for future reference.
I have checked Hotel Management System Project ,it is error free and user friendly.If you face any kind of problem then please let me know
Download now this awesome project by clicking the download button below:
Employee Management System
This is Employee Management System software. This software will manage the whole company Employee details like their attendance, salary details, leave details. Here in this software, if a particular Employees salary is done then a message will be sent to his cell. Even if the employee takes a leave then the software will deduct a one day leave from his casual or sick leave. When the employee opens his PC, the attendance will be marked automatically using this software. Employee can also submit his leave in the software, if the employee needs leave for few days. Even the admin has the right to view everyone’s information. Admin can increment the employees salary using this software. Employee can view their salary details, attendance, leave details and his personal information.
This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.
Front end: vb 6 || 2008
Back End: MS Access
Car Rental System Using VB.Net MS Access Database
A system created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Language is VB.Net and I used MS Access as Database.
Includes Recording of application users, Members, Cars, and Transactions.
Login Module is connected to database
Printable reports are ready and created using Crystal Reports..
School cum College Management System
School cum College Management System is a software application developed using VB.NET. Microsoft SQL server database is used to store the record. This software which manages Students profiles, Attendance report, Employees records, Fee details, transfer details of schools and colleges .This system has more than 50 forms. It has 2 users, i.e; Administrator and Employees. It has 7 modules.
Project modules:
1) School module
2) Admission module
3) Employee module
4) Transaction module
5) Display module
6) Report card module
7) Identity card module
1) School module
2) Admission module
3) Employee module
4) Transaction module
5) Display module
6) Report card module
7) Identity card module
Project title: School cum College Management System
Front End: VB.NET
Back End: SQL Server
Gas Agency Management System
Main aim of Gas Agency Management System project is to create a computerized system for billing and maintaining stock and to increase the efficiency of manual process. Customers will make phone call to the Gas Agencies and give order request then gas agencies will deliver the gas cylinders to their address based on their demand and previous delivery date. The customer’s name, address and stock details are stored in a database. A customer’s order for gas cylinder can be accepted only after completing a certain period from the previous delivery. This makes billing for customer is easier and based on the customer’s database calculation of bill to the customer is done.
The bill rate and capacity of gas cylinder can be easily maintained and charged accordingly using this system. Customer’s details are stored in booking register including booking number when he books gas cylinder.
Customer will call and give order request to gas agencies. Then Gas Agencies deliver the gas cylinders to their address based on their demand and previous delivery date. Customer’s details like name, address and stock details are stored in a database. Based on this the billing for a customer is done. A customer’s order for gas cylinder can be accepted only after completing a certain period from the previous delivery.
Availability of gas cylinders in gas agency can be checked using the stock register to determine the number of refilled, filled, empty, defective & price of refill.
College Management System in visual basic 6.0
The project College Management System developed using visual basic 6.0 and Oracle database. The clerk of the college filling the Admission Details. The masters information consist of storing the details of course available, the subject of particular course, the teacher information, the holiday information, etc. Attendance entries consist of two main aspects which are, Student Attendance and Teacher Attendance. The marks entry process is used to store the information of marks of different test that area taken during the whole year. The purchase details is used to give the details of purchase. Report module generates student report, teachers report, marks report, attendance report, purchase report, etc
The modules of College Management System are:
Admission Details module:The Admission Root is used to enter details of students studying in college. It includes the course in which the student is studying, the year number and the roll number of the student.
Master Configuration module:
The Masters Root can be selected when the user want to perform administrative work. It includes information regarding the courses offered by the college, details of teacher in the college, details of devices used in the college, details of vendor from whom we purchase the devices etc.
The Masters Root can be selected when the user want to perform administrative work. It includes information regarding the courses offered by the college, details of teacher in the college, details of devices used in the college, details of vendor from whom we purchase the devices etc.
Attendance module:The Student Attendance module is used to store daily attendance of the students that are studying in the college. The Teacher Attendance module is used to store daily attendance of all the teachers that are teaching in the college.
Marks module:The Marks Entry is used to enter different marks of different test taken in the college of all students.
Purchase module:The Purchase module is used to store information of all relation of vendor and items that are purchased by the college. It also include price of items.
Report module:
There are mainly three types of reports, i.e; Student Details report, Staff Attendance report and Vendor & Item Report
Software requirements:
Front-end: Visual Basic 6.0
Back-end: Oracle 8.0
Front-end: Visual Basic 6.0
Back-end: Oracle 8.0
Video CD Library Management System
Video CD Library Management System Project is about a Library Management System. This visual basic (VB 6.0) Project is used for managing the record of video CD’s in Video Library or Video CDs Shop. This Project is Specially made for managing the large database of Videos. Video CD Library Management System project is helpful for MCA, BCA, B.Tech and diploma students. Hope you like and appreciate it.
Technology Used:
FrontEnd: Visual Basic 6.0
College Voting System In VB.Net Free Download
The VOTE PLUS objective is to provide a system which manages the election activity done in a college or a school and its calculation of total vote which is very huge. The users will consume less amount of time when compared to manual paper work through the automated system.
The system will take care of all the election activity like voting, adding the candidates name, result, counting of votes in a quick manner.
Data storing is easier. It will be able to check the number of votes for each candidate. Paper work and manual work is reduced. The system is user friendly and easy to use. All the votes will be stored in the database and it avoids any miscalculation.
This project is helpful to computerize the voting activities, modification in any candidates name and it is very helpful in calculating the votes implied for each candidate.
Network based Application
The “VOTE PLUS” software is based on an election activity for each student voting for a particular candidate he wishes to. Each student will be given a unique username and password. As soon as he logins by entering his username and password, a menu form will be shown with its first option as candidate list where all the candidates’ information standing for the election will be shown. Next procedure is the voting section where the user can vote for any candidate he wishes to.
There are 3 categories in the candidate post i.e., President, Secretary, Joint Secretary. The user can vote to any 1 from these 3 categories. The system will not provide the user to vote for more than 1 candidate in each category. This completes the voting procedure. All the data’s are being stored in the database.
Admin has his own username and password. Admin Provides username and password for other user’s .He also has the right to insert candidate’s name. And he also has the right to edit and delete those details to/from the list. The result will be shown. Only admin has the authority to see the results.
- Processor: Intel dual core or above
- Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above
- RAM: 1 GB RAM or above
- Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above
- Language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Database: Microsoft SQL server 200
“Vote plus” software developed for a school or to a college has been designed to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce the time taken to handle the Election activity. It is designed to replace an existing manual record system thereby reducing time taken for calculations and for storing data. The system uses VB .Net as front end and Microsoft SQL as a backend for the database.
The system is strong enough to withstand regressive yearly operations under conditions where the database is maintained and cleared over a certain time of span. The implementation of the system in the organization will considerably reduce data entry, time and also provide readily calculated reports.
Jewellery Management System Free Download
We got this project in planet source code and all the modules working perfectly. Even those who are beginner even they can learn to develop visual basic projects. Right now its developed in Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2003.
Jewellery management system is developed in Visual Basic 6.0, which can keep track of all your business activity in a jewellery shop from small segments to large and very large segments.
You can make entry, edit, explore, print, backup, restore and other more features available in this project.
Front END : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Features :
Features :
Jewellery management system is developed in Visual Basic 6.0, which can keep track of all your business activity in a jewellery shop from small segments to large and very large segments.
You can make entry, edit, explore, print, backup, restore and other more features available in this project.
Front END : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End : Microsoft Access (.MDB)
Features :
- Back Up Database
- Change Password
- Employee Details
- Customer Details
- Supplier Details
- Jewellery Type
- Purchases
- Sales
- Cash IN
- Cash Out
- Sales Report
- Purchase Report
- Cash IN Report
- Cash OUT report
- Cash Flow
Features :
- Back Up Database
- Change Password
- Employee Details
- Customer Details
- Supplier Details
- Jewellery Type
- Purchases
- Sales
- Cash IN
- Cash Out
- Sales Report
- Purchase Report
- Cash IN Report
- Cash OUT report
- Cash Flow