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Archive for 2014
RTO Management system
Project title: RTO Management system
Front End: Visual basic 6.0
Back End: Microsoft Access Driver
Quiz Application
This is Quiz Application developed in The software can be used to conduct quiz in any school or college. The software easily manages to store all the student details before entering into this software. The questions can be edited or added only by the Admin. Even the answers will be stored in the database. As soon as the student enters the answer, their answer will be compared to the ans in the database. If the ans matches, there will be an increment in the marks.
The advantage is the employee/admin need not calculate the the result. The system will automatically calculate the result of the student and each students results will be displayed in he descending order. Only Admin has the authority to view this. Students has only the authority to answer the quiz. As soon as the students registers, his/her details will be displayed i the database. So any details of any student can be viewed.
This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.
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Title: Quiz application
- Processor: Intel dual core or above
- Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above
- RAM: 1 GB RAM or above
- Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above
- Language: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Database: Microsoft SQL server 2008
Cricket Score Management System
As soon as someone checks the scoreboard, details of a particular player can be viewed by a single click on his name. Any news other than cricket will also be updated.
This software is error free. Anyone can use this software . you can download this software by clicking on download below. So use this software and get more benefit from from this. If have any doubts then post your doubts below.
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Project title: Cricket Score Management System
Software requirements:
Front End : VB.NET 2005
Back End: SQL Server 2005
Front End : VB.NET 2005
Back End: SQL Server 2005
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Using RFID in VB 6
I will show how to use RFID Reader in VB6 Currently im developing Loadable E-Pass System for a confidential client and i want to share some of of codes regarding RFID and VB6. These is pretty straight forward i used MSCOMM (serial library in .NET) component in order to read /write buffer connected to PC's serial/usb port. This is done by using the oncomm() event in order to read all the buffers send by the RFID interface without using the timer control.
USB to RS232 converter compatible:
Download and install prolific drivers.
USB to RS232 converter compatible:
Download and install prolific drivers.
For more info please download the sample project Happy coding for Design projects and windows application..
Download Telephone Billing System Project VB6 & MS Acess
Project titled “Telephone billing System” is useful for computerizing billing system. Software code provided here in VB6 is useful for viewing customer information, calculating taxes, updating billing details, calculating other charges..Etc.
Project Category:
Telephone Bill Payment Management Software
Project Abstract:
In existing system most of the management work is done through software applications. Similarly billing payment details for every month can be done using this application.
Updating Consumer information: Enter telephone number, name, address, city, opening reading and closing reading.
Deductions: Calculation of rent, debits, tax, gross amount, previous balance, and surcharge can be performed.
Out screen: Details which are entered in about forms are calculated and shown in the form of bill format. Which consist of all details for cuttings and payments with address and name.
Billing details are updated to file after output is displayed.
Project Advantages:
Simple application with easy to understand and print bill details.
We can add more features by adding more modules to software.
Manual paper work process will be reduced and data is secured.
Console based application where data is entered in console as input and results is shown in file and command prompt.
This project is useful as learning project not as a academic project.
Download Telephone billing system Project in VB & MS Access
Complete Student Information System in vb
This is the complete database system,but there are some others panel in that software u can develop by urself like staff registration panel etc...I develop this software to help our student association here in india-hyderabad.I decided to share with u guys so as to learn something from this system,try to learn codes and understand them.
1-Database(Ms Access)
2-Cystal Report v8.5
1-Database(Ms Access)
2-Cystal Report v8.5
Username: admin
Password: 1234
Password: 1234
If u try to open report is better if u have cystal report installed in your computer,because sometime this error may occur "Can not find database" when u try to open the report.
But i hope the program will be executed..
But i hope the program will be executed..